Automated Solutions for busy parking lots

Guardian Access Solutions designs secure parking solutions for various industries, big and small, with advanced features that improve efficiency in their parking facilities. Commercial properties, gated residential communities, hospitals, government facilities, college campuses, and hotels tend to have busy parking lots. Things can get chaotic during events like concerts as they can increase demand for parking by 60%, so automated solutions are necessary to keep things moving.

Automated Parking Access Controls

Our team can customize a design to fit specific needs to give you comprehensive control over vehicle access.  With advanced control systems, automated technology, and reliable controllers that manage multiple entry and exit points, you can manage the traffic flow more efficiently.

Entry and Exit Terminals

Guardian Access Solutions uses cutting-edge technology in the gated access terminals of our automated parking systems. We can equip entry and exit terminals with a variety of customized options to fit your needs to better process visitors in and out of the parking facility efficiently. You can issue employees of commercial facilities and residents of residential communities proximity badges for quick and secure entry and exit. Exit terminals equipped with payment stations for event parking allow users to scan their tickets from the entry terminal on their way out which keeps traffic flowing.

Parking Validation

automatic license plate recognition

Automated parking validation provides convenience to users of parking facilities that Guardian can tailor to different industries. We design automated validation solutions to streamline parking operations, keep cars safe, and traffic moving. Some of the options we offer include:

  • Self-Scan
  • Intelligent Stickers
  • Online Parking Validation

License Plate Recognition

Guardian can equip your entry and exit terminals with a high-definition license plate recognition (LPR) and software management system that not only automates secure parking access but also keeps track of who’s been on your property and helps enforce permit parking.

We Keep it Working so You Keep Them Moving

Guardian Access Solutions has been providing commercial parking solutions for clients in Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee for decades. We know how important it is to keep your equipment in working order to keep traffic flowing in your parking facilities. Even if we didn’t install yours, we’ll do our best to service and maintain it to keep it working properly.

Driven by the need to get out of the house after COVID-19, the number of people parking at events between 2020 and 2022 grew by more than 456%. Prepare your parking lots with help from Guardian Access Solutions. Call today for a consultation.