Access Control Solutions - Fast Entry for Emergency Services

Every second counts during a health emergency, even when you’re already at the hospital. Survival rates for heart attack patients decrease as ambulance response times increase, even with just a 90-second difference. Furthermore, if the response time is more than eight minutes, the likelihood of a negative outcome is twice as high as when the response time is less than eight minutes. Luckily, there are access control solutions that quickly and easily clear the way.

Medical Facility Access Controls

push to open ADA buttonWhen your medical staff needs to navigate the halls of a hospital or healthcare facility quickly with a patient loaded on a gurney for immediate medical attention, the last thing they want to run into is a locked door. You’ve likely seen the push buttons with metal faceplates that read, “PUSH TO OPEN” at the entrances and exits of commercial buildings.

These ADA door openers provide automated access for people with disabilities. Older versions featured a wheelchair icon that was removed for inclusivity purposes. Before advanced technology led to improved access controls, these push-to-open/exit buttons were very useful in hospital settings.

But what happens if your hands are otherwise occupied with a wheelchair or gurney? What if your patient doesn’t have time to wait for the door to slide slowly open? That’s where access controls come in to save the day (and maybe a life).

Proximity Badges
ID badges with proximity sensors allow quick and easy access without sacrificing hospital security. If the sensor is placed far enough down the hallway, medical staff can wave their badge as they run by with a patient and the door will be completely open by the time they get to it.

IP Video Surveillance with Virtualized Servers
When the nurse manager calls ahead to let the surgical team know a patient is on their way, someone watching the surveillance cameras can buzz them in without delay when they see them approaching.

Parking Management Solutions

Doctors need to be able to get inside to see patients as quickly as possible when they’re called to a medical emergency. Family members don’t want to stress over parking when a loved one is in the hospital. Patients sometimes need to be transported to a different hospital if they need specialized care. In these situations, having integrated access controls for your medical facility’s secure parking that reduce wait times, improve traffic flow, and optimize parking for patients, staff, and visitors is extremely beneficial.

LPR Systems (License Plate Recognition)
LPR Systems (License Plate Recognition)Depending on the size of your medical facility, the ambulance may need to enter through secure parking. With LPR, they won’t have to stop at a parking gate to be validated for entry. The system will scan their plate, and entry will be granted immediately, saving precious time.

Integrated Parking Management Software
Secure parking with comprehensive management software integrated with LPR systems and video surveillance provides flexible and reliable control over your medical parking facilities. It also ensures complete security for patients and staff with encrypted data protection of all information (license plates/staff information).


If you’d like to maximize the chances of survival by decreasing response times for first responders, call Guardian Access Solutions today. We can schedule a consultation to discuss the right access control solutions for your medical facility or gated community. Guardian has well over thirty years of experience in the industry and we’ve already completed more than 10,000 service calls for our customers this year, so you can trust we know how to get the job done right.