safety in schools students with backpacks on campus

While the news and instant access to information via social media would have us doubting the choices we make for our children’s education, criminal offenses on college campuses have actually decreased by more than half (53%) since 2005. That’s not to say safety in schools shouldn’t still be a priority, but it’s important to implement safety measures that don’t hinder accessibility.

Why Safety in Schools Is Important

We don’t need to scare you with all the crime statistics in educational facilities to emphasize the importance of a comprehensive school safety system. A safe environment for students in kindergarten all the way through college is directly linked to test scores, graduation and attendance rates, and increased positive social behavior.

Access Controls for School Campuses

You can enhance campus safety by controlling access to the facility in a few different ways. These security methods keep students safe without sacrificing accessibility:

Gated Entry
With gated school security, parents will never have to worry about who has access to the school grounds. Some schools have the budget to keep security on staff to monitor the entry and exit at these gates, but there’s also the option of a gate call box or intercom with remote access to allow entry.

Secure Parking
In addition to gated entry, a secure parking area for students and faculty can prevent theft from vehicles, vandalism, and auto theft. With intelligent stickers, online parking validation solutions, and license plate recognition, your students and faculty can rest assured knowing their vehicles are just as safe as they are.

guardian proximity id badges for safety in school access

Proximity ID Badges
Most college campuses issue identification badges to their students, which can be easily fitted with proximity sensors. You can customize entry permissions for students and faculty to grant access to those who need it while preventing it for those who don’t.

Door Access Control Systems
Adding a keypad entry with an intercom provides secure door access for dorms, classrooms, offices, and storage rooms. If added security is necessary, a mantrap is a security feature where there is a small space between two secure access-controlled doors. Before the second door opens, the first door must close completely, providing complete security for the facility.

Video Surveillance
In addition to the above security measures, an integrated video surveillance system adds an extra level of protection by keeping an eye on students, faculty, and the facility. Some criminals are deterred just by knowing there’s always someone watching.

Keep Them Safe by Keeping Your System Maintained

It won’t do the students or faculty much good if your campus security system isn’t in working order all day, every day. Guardian Access Solutions understands the importance of keeping all the components of a secure access system in working order, which is why we are more than happy to service and maintain yours, no matter who installed it.


With three decades of combined experience in the commercial security industry, you can trust that we’ll keep your students safe. Don’t delay, call Guardian today.